Getting Started =============== Create the database 1. mysql -uroot -e"create database clink" 2. mysql -uroot -e"grant all privileges on clink.* to 'clinkuser'@'localhost' \ identified by 'clink' with grant option" 3. mysql -uroot -e"flush privileges" 4. Change the working directory to /trunk. 5. mysql -uclinkuser -pclink clink < schema.sql 6. mysql -uclinkuser -pclink clink -e \ "CREATE TABLE room_log (room varchar(40), public_ind enum('N','Y'), seat int(11), \ handle varchar(40), action varchar(40), text text, timestamp datetime);" 7. mysql -uclinkuser -pclink clink -e \ "CREATE TABLE vendor_rooms (reference_id int(11), room varchar(40));" Notes: The Java server source is hardcoded to use the database configuration above. The CREATE TABLE statement is necessary because the `room_log` table is required by the server but is not found in the schema.sql load file. Column types are best-guess. The `audit_log` table in schema.sql appears to not be used and is not referenced anywhere in the source code. Another table, `vendor_rooms`, is referenced in the source code but not in schema.sql. See 9-vendor-rooms.txt for more information on this table. Build the Java classes (*.class) from sources (*.java): From Eclipse: 1. Import the project into Eclipse 2. Compile the project into /trunk/classes using Project > Build All From Command Line: 1. Generate an Ant build file in Eclipse: File > Export > General > Ant Buildfiles Select the project File "build.xml" should be generated in /trunk 2. Change the working directory to /trunk. 3. Ensure a clean build with `rm -rf classes/*` 4. Run `ant` to build. Run the server 1. Change the working directory to /trunk. 2. Start the server: java -cp lib/log4j-1.2.5.jar:lib/martyr.jar:lib/mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar:classes \ org.jbrain.qlink.QLinkServer Test the server Once the server starts, it should output log messages and wait for connections on port 5190. Running `telnet localhost 5190` should connect and show "Incoming connection received" in the server log.