Wed Feb 12 10:49:40 EST 2025
QuantumLink RELOADED! Wednesday Night Hangout
Wed 07 Aug 2024 06:49:03 PM CDT
IP Address Change
IPv6: 2600:1f18:3210:8800:e460:db37:1440:319e
It is reccomended that people use the FQDN of rather than any IP address.
Wed Dec 2 08:24:54 EST 2021
World of Commodore 2021
Hybrid Physical And Virtual Edition!
Saturday December 4, 2021 (December 5th will be a virtual session with open
10 AM to 10 PM EST – via Zoom and YouTube
Thu Oct 7 12:05:00 CDT 2021
I had the pleasure of a attending the Vintage Computer Festival Midewest 16 held on September 11th & 12th at Waterford Banquets in Elmhurst, IL.
Mon May 30 17:58:01 CDT 2016
QuantumLink Source Code
There seems to be some confusion about the status and availibility of various QuantumLink source code. Here is a quick list:
- I host a copy of the QuantumLink RELOADED! source code at: This is the code that runs on
- Habitat Preservation Project member ssalevan hosts a fork of the QuantumLink RELOADED! source code on GitHub at This fork contains code contributed from the Habitat Preservation Project's Hackathon.
- The original QuantumLink source code is proprietary software and currently is unavailable.
Mon Dec 21 23:59:59 CDT 2015
Q-Link Rebooted
In July 2015, Cenbe started a rewrite of the Q-Link Reloaded code (now known as Q-Link "Rebooted"). By October, it was stable enough for Cenbe to start running a server.
The rewrite involves new database layer support for Postgres using Java JPA instead of raw SQL as well as massive code cleanup.
If you're interested in helping on the Q-Link Rebooted project, here are some things that need doing:
- testing The server needs stress testing: as many users as possible online at once, switching rooms, sending emails and OLMs, reading articles, &c.
- client setup docs We need good documentation on setting up the client, both on a real Commodore 64 and in current versions of the VICE emulator (on various operating systems).
- menu ID Many of the Q-Link Rebooted menus are, of course, only placeholders. If you were a Q-Link user and remember what some of those stubbed-out menu selections did, drop me a line: cenbe at kolabnow dot com. Maybe I can at least populate some of them with articles describing what they used to do.
- high-speed client In today's world of fast internet connections and disk images, it makes no sense to implement file transfers in Q-Link unless someone can come up with a high-speed patch for the client disk. We're talking about 19200 or 38400 bps, assuming a device like Dan Mackey's Link232.
- client disassembly There's probably more that can be learned from a complete disassembly of the client disk. For those of you who are good at this sort of thing, I'm sure it would make an interesting project.
PLEASE NOTE: will continue to run the original QuantumLink RELOADED! code.
Thu Sep 25 20:57:55 CDT 2014
QuantumLink RELOADED Documentation
Consolidating the QuantumLink RELOADED documentation onto the website is on my "to do" list.
Until I do, the following websites contain QLR connection information:
Alwyz Q-Link Reloaded page at 1200baud
These sites may link to older documentation so remember the current QuantumLink RELOADED server is located at
Mon Sep 15 11:20:31 CDT 2014
QuantumLink RELOADED had a successful test of running multiple Q-Link client connections using a Xyplex MaxServer 1600 and a DD-WRT router at the Vintage Computer Festival / Midwest 9.0. The setup included a Commodore 64 and a Commodore 64C using each using EZ-232 interfaces and a Commodore 128 using a SwiftLink RS-232 cartridge. The QLR sessions spent most of their time in the "People Connection" attached to the NewNet IRC network in channel #c6friends.
Special thanks to Snogpitch for providing a copy of the SwiftLink 2400 baud patches, originally written by Jim Collette, for the Q-Link client disk.
Sat May 31 22:02:31 CDT 2014
QuantumLink RELOADED! now at
Many thanks to ShadowM for all his work on the QuantumLink RELOADED! server and for hosting the service at Recently, ShadowM has deciced to discontinue hosting the QLR service. In response, QLR is now hosted at and the sevice may be accessed on TCP port 5190.
ShadowM was very kind to provide with a backup copy of the QLR database that was hosted at QLR users that had accounts at will still be able to use their existing QuantumLink disks at to retain their existing nicknames.